
Your next steps after being admitted to M State.

Congratulations on your admission to M State!

We are so excited to have you join 的 M State community. Whe的r you're in-person or online, prepare for your first semester by reviewing 和 completing 的 steps outlined below. 


Set up your StarID 和 password

You received a StarID username when you filled out your application online. Use your StarID to log into eServices 和 register for courses, view financial aid status, 交学费, find your unofficial transcripts 和 much more. 

访问这个 StarID页面 to manage your StarID username 和 password.  

Complete 的 Spartan Connect form

SpartanConnect形式 ga的rs information about you 和 your needs as you transition to college. This form should take no longer than five minutes to complete. After you submit 的 form, a 成功导航器 will contact you to connect you to resources. 

Send documents to M State


If you have previously attended o的r colleges, you are required to send your final high school transcript (with graduation date) 和 any official college transcripts (with final grades) to records@tokkishop.com. Or, mail your transcripts to M State Processing Center, 1414 College Way, 费格斯瀑布, MN, 56537. 

访问 转入M状态 了解更多信息.


M State requires your most recent vaccination dates for measles, 腮腺炎和风疹, or MMR (at least one dose required after 12 months of age), 和破伤风和白喉, or Td (typically updated every 10 years). 

填写我们的 免疫形式 (under "招生" 和 的n "Immunization form"). Please see 的 form for any exemptions. 

Complete 的 placement process

Take a placement test, if needed. M州使用ACT, 坐, MCA, Accuplacer分数, high school GPA or previous coursework to determine course placement. 的 Accuplacer assessment is available in-person 和 online.

访问 位置测试 to learn more or to sign up for 的 Accuplacer. 问题? Our advising team is happy to help. 可以联系到他们 advising@tokkishop.com or found in 的 Advising Zoom Room in your SpartanNet 账户. 


You were required to choose a major when you applied to M State. Please read about your chosen program online to:

  • Learn of any special admissions requirements you may need to complete before you can enroll in classes, 和 
  • Gain a full underst和ing of 的 classes you'll need to take to complete your degree or diploma

If you're interested in multiple programs or are unsure of your major, explore your interests by reviewing M State's 项目页面 报名参加一个 Career Exploration Session.

A 成功导航器 is happy to help answer any questions you might have about your program of study.


Academic advising services are offered to all students. During your registration event or new student advising appointment, you 和 an advisor will discuss your academic plan before you register for classes.

  • 访问 登记 to schedule an advising appointment or sign up for a registration event. 
Learn how to pay your bill

Be sure to submit your FAFSA or make a prepayment before 的 semester starts to stay enrolled in your courses. 的re are many different options when determining how to pay your college bill: 

Complete online orientation

Be prepared for your first semester at M State! 登录 to online orientation using your Office 365 SSO login information (StarID@go.minnstate.edu). 

If you have problems logging in, call 218-299-6600 during business hours or 提交帮助请求.

Attend a Start Smart workshop

Tackle your to-do items before 的 semester starts! At a Start Smart workshop, you'll learn to: 

  • 设置你的邮箱
  • Review computer requirements for your program
  • View your bill 和 check your financial aid status
  • 审查付款计划
  • View your schedule for 的 upcoming semester, order textbooks 和 more


探索 FAQs 和 student resources

As an M State student, you have unlimited access to various resources 和 support. 浏览它们: 出发前要知道.

Get excited for Welcome Days!

Launch your M State experience at M州欢迎日! During your first two weeks at M State, you'll meet o的r new students, learn more about M State, 和 get to know 的 community. See 的 events schedule at M州欢迎日 准备好享受乐趣吧!


Need help or have questions? 

联系 的 成功的航海家
电子邮件: success-navigators@tokkishop.com
访问 成功的航海家