North Star Promise at M State

North Star Promise top image

M State is about to get even more affordable.

M State has one of the lowest tuition rates in the state, and thanks to generous grant, scholarship and sponsorship programs, more than half of all M State students attend tuition-free. 现在,一项新的州立奖学金计划将进一步提高学生的负担能力.

Beginning in fall 2024, 北极星承诺奖学金计划将为学生提供免学费和免学费的高等教育途径 eligible 明尼苏达州的居民s 在符合条件的院校,其中大发彩票平台是其中之一(见下面的完整列表). A "last-dollar" program, 北极星承诺奖学金涵盖其他奖学金后剩余的学费和费用, 奖助金, 津贴 and tuition waivers have been applied.

    The North Star Promise Scholarship program is intended to:

  • 帮助稳定明尼苏达州立大学系统的招生;
  • 通过培养合格的工人来填补该州劳动力的空缺,成为明尼苏达州的经济驱动力;
  • 为明尼苏达州居民创造一条可行的高等教育之路,他们以前可能认为教育对他们来说是不可能的.


Eligibility Requirements

Eligible students must:

  • 是一个 明尼苏达州的居民
  • Have a family Adjusted Gross Income* (AGI) as reported on the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA)或 Minnesota Dream Act Application 80000美元以下
  • 就读明尼苏达州的公立高等教育机构或部落学院
  • Not be in default on a state or federal student loan
  • Be enrolled taking at least one credit
  • Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards
  • Have not already earned a baccalaureate degree
  • 就读于可以获得学位、文凭或证书的课程或课程

Eligible Institutions


一个机构可以提供不符合联邦第四章援助和明尼苏达州财政援助资格的项目. 通常, 这是因为该项目的长度太短,无法满足联邦和州财政援助的要求.


*What does family Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) mean?

调整后总收入(AGI)信息来自联邦1040所得税申报表. 北极星承诺奖学金项目的第一年是2024-2025学年,相应的FAFSA或明尼苏达州梦想法案申请会询问上一年的AGI. In other words, the AGI from 2022. This can be found on line 11 of the 1040.

Dependent students will have the AGI of their parent(s), and stepparent if applicable, considered for the program’s family AGI threshold of 80000美元以下. The AGI of dependent students will not be considered. When parents are divorced, separated or never married, and do not live together, 为学生提供更多经济支持的父母应该是FAFSA或明尼苏达州梦想法案的记录父母. 这是父母的收入将被审查时,确定北极星承诺的资格. 如果提供更多经济支持的父母在FAFSA或明尼苏达州梦想法案提交之日已经再婚, 在确定资格时,继父母的AGI也将被考虑在内.

独立学生将有学生的AGI考虑项目资格. If the student is married, the student and spouse's combined AGI must be 80000美元以下 in order to be eligible for the North Star Promise Scholarship. 你可以在这里回顾一下是什么让一个学生独立或依赖.


Application Process

完成 Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA)或 Minnesota Dream Act Application. On your FAFSA application, enter M State's FAFSA code: 005541.

除了FAFSA或明尼苏达州梦想法案申请之外,没有其他申请. 大发彩票平台将逐学期评估您的资格,并向所有符合条件的学生颁发北极星承诺奖学金.

访问FAFSA          Access the MN Dream Act



North Star Promise Award Information


How much money can you receive?

There is not a limit on the maximum term, 每年, or lifetime dollar amount of an award you can receive. 你收到的金额是基于“最后一美元”计算你的资格在一个学期的基础上. 你可以收到每学期最高100%的学费和所需费用, minus all other sources of gift aid you receive.

对于获得两年制学位的学生,你可以获得总共60个学分的奖励. 对于获得四年制学位的学生,你可以获得总共120个学分的奖励.

如果有资金,最需要的学生也可以获得北极星承诺加基金. Details on this provision of the program are still being determined.

How is the award determined?

你所就读的学院或大学将根据资格要求和奖励计算来计算你的奖励金额. They will determine your tuition and required fee charges, subtract all other sources of gift aid (scholarships, 奖助金, 豁免和津贴),并以北极星承诺奖学金的形式奖励剩余金额.

How are students notified about their scholarship?


What does "last-dollar" mean?

Before calculating your award, “最后一美元”计划考虑您收到的任何其他捐赠援助资金来源. “Gift aid” is financial aid that does not require repayment, such as scholarships, 奖助金, 津贴, third-party payments and tuition waivers. Loans and work study are not sources of gift aid. 这一战略的目标是利用现有的项目资金,为尽可能多的符合条件的学生提供免学费和免费用的大学教育途径. 

Is the scholarship renewable? 如果有,持续多久?

作为最后一美元奖学金,这个奖项是按学期计算的. If new sources of gift aid are awarded to you, the North Star Promise scholarship will be recalculated.


There is no maximum length of time for which you can receive the award. 但是,对于获得两年制学位的学生,您可以获得总共60个学分的奖励. 对于获得四年制学位的学生,你可以获得总共120个学分的奖励. 任何学生有资格获得的最高学分为120学分.

Can I be eligible, but not receive an award?

是的. 如果你符合所有的资格要求,但你的其他“礼物援助”来源的总额已经涵盖了你的学费和所需费用, you will not be awarded a North Star Promise Scholarship. 这是因为你的其他援助的总和已经为你提供了足够的资金来支付你的学费和所需的费用.

然而, 如果你没有获得北极星承诺奖学金,因为其他经济援助已经涵盖了你的学杂费, you will still be considered for the North Star Promise Plus funds. Details on this provision of the program are still being determined.

Is there an age restriction on the North Star Promise Scholarship?

No, there is no age criteria used for eligibility for the program.

更多关于依赖和独立学生的信息可以在 North Star Promise Scholarship Frequently Asked Questions webpage.





If you have questions about the North Star Promise Scholarship program, contact our financial aid office at 877.450.3322 or