4 -接受你的奖励
M State's official notification process for financial aid awards is found on 电子商务. 有两种类型的奖励信:初步和正式. The heading of each letter states whether it is preliminary or official. 初步信函提供了对奖励的估计. If you have completed the admissions process and all required financial aid documentation, the official award letter will inform you of your anticipated award for the award year.
如果你在大学申请中提供了电子邮件地址, you will receive an email notifying them when an award letter is available. The award letter will be mailed to you if you have not provided an email address. If you wish to receive a paper award letter, please contact your campus 财政援助办公室 收到一份副本.
获奖信由两页组成. The first page provides information about your estimated grants and loans and loan application information. If you're interested in student employment, please contact your 财政援助办公室.
The first page indicates your campus address and the award year, 它还规定了裁决是否为初步裁决, 正式的或修订的. 初步裁决是一个估计, while both the official and official revised awards are actual awards (as long as corrections are not made after the printing of the letter). A revised letter is generated when information about additional awards is provided to the 财政援助办公室 and it impacts your eligibility for the amounts offered on the official award letter. (The revised award letter usually affects loan amounts when you receive scholarships or funding from another source or chooses to do work study instead of taking out a loan).
The chart on Page 1 indicates grant, loan and work study amounts at different enrollment levels. The words Fall and Spring are followed by the year and the number of credits This refers to the term and year you are enrolled and the number of credits that you will be enrolled for. 标题12-30(全职), 9-11(三节时间), 6-8 (half-time) and 1-5 (less than half time) refer to credits that you take for that term. Below these numbers are the dollar amounts that correspond with award types at the left. The fewer the credits, the lower the amount of financial aid offered. Loans are not available to you if you are enrolled for less than six credits. Because you enroll one term at a time, award information is provided by term.
There is a chart for each term that we anticipate you will be enrolled. 如果你有一个学期的奖励, the college is anticipating that you will attend only one term that academic year. If you plan to attend more than one term, you will want to contact your campus 财政援助办公室. Loan and work study amounts require additional action to receive/earn these funds.
Minnesota residents who are attending a Minnesota college and have attended less than four years of full-time college may be eligible for the State Grant. The State Grant chart indicates how much you will receive per term for enrollment of 1 to 15 or more credits. 如果你修了超过15个学分,补助金不会增加. 如果你在学期的前30天填写了FAFSA, you will not eligible for a State Grant for that term but will be eligible for the remaining terms of the academic year.
You should look at the College Handbook and Catalog for additional information relating to a student's academic responsibilities to maintain eligibility for financial aid.
The second page of the Award Letter explains the loan application process, provides links to 贷款咨询 and the master promissory note website, 并包含其他重要信息. 你必须完成 贷款咨询 and a master promissory note prior to receiving your first loan at M State. The actual request for the loan is in the Spartan Net account under E Services and Financial 援助. 如果你是第一次贷款, you will have to wait 30 days into the semester prior to receiving a student loan. 如果你只借一个学期的话, you will have half of your loan funds applied to your bill either by the tenth day of the semester, 或者如果你是第一次借款者,在第30天. 下半部分将在期中考到.
夏季学期不包括在基本的奖励信中. 可以申请暑期助学金, you need to have your financial aid file completed and be registered for summer courses. If you have attended two full-time terms in the year at any college, 你将在夏天之前用完你的助学金. The award year begins in the fall semester and ends after summer semester. 如果你还没有借到当年的最高贷款额, you may be eligible for loans if you're enrolled for at least half-time (6 credits). Enrollment is determined by the total number of credits for the entire summer term. The award letter that you receive is the same as the academic year award letter, 过程是一样的. Financial aid disbursement dates may vary by program at our campuses during the summer.
Federal regulations require student borrowers to complete loan exit counseling upon fulfilling graduation requirements or if they withdraw or drop below half-time enrollment. M State will receive electronic notification when you have completed the loan exit counseling session. 要完成退出咨询,请访问 联邦学生援助-完整的贷款退出咨询.
直接贷款合并 provides information about who should consolidate their direct student loans.
访问 拖欠学生贷款 如果您需要有关解决默认状态的信息. (Defaulted student loans must be resolved and documentation provided to the college before students will be eligible to receive financial aid.)
访问 学费互惠 了解北达科他州互惠政策的详情.
- Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA)- 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243)
- 明尼苏达州高等教育服务办公室- 1-800-657-3866
- 直接贷款申请人服务- 1-800-557-7394
- 国税局- 1-800-829-1040
- 选择性兵役- 1-847-688-6888
- 社会保障局- 1-800-772-1213